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Halsall has no fear

Image: Thumbs up: Fran Halsall feels ready for London 2012

Fran Halsall believes she has the mental strength to cope with a home Olympics.

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Mental strength comes from experience in Shanghai

Former world silver medallist Fran Halsall insists the prospect of lining up in lane four of the Olympic 100 metres freestyle final would hold no fear having come through her disappointment at the World Championships in Shanghai last year. The Loughborough ITC swimmer found herself in the unaccustomed position of fastest into the final in China but was edged out of the medals, finishing joint fourth as Denmark's Jeanette Ottesen and Aliaksandra Herasimenia shared the title. The 22-year-old could not hide her disappointment, although she took comfort from the fact she had undergone ankle surgery the previous November which had severely disrupted her training. She was also under her ideal racing weight of 60/61kg and thus her strength and power in the water was affected. So, having reflected, and spoken to British Swimming psychologist Simon Middlemiss, Halsall believes she would be better equipped to handle the expectation levels at a home Olympic Games. Halsall said: "He (Middlemiss) said, 'well, you've had that experience now, you know what it feels like to be put up on a pedestal to win and then not to win. That's happened and nothing ridiculously bad has happened because of that, so what are you complaining about?' "I've thought about it and what I could put into place mentally if I got into that position again, which could easily happen. I would be a lot more prepared for it.


"The worst has happened, it's taken the scariness out of it, the scare factor has gone. "I came fourth - the worst position to come - out of lane four in a World Championship final - and I am still here and still smiling.'' Given her antipathy towards the diet in China which left her depleted of energy, for Halsall a home Games has many benefits. "Everything is working to our advantage here,'' she said. "Like in the village, we were saying the other day that in China they had a duck roll stand in the village and we were saying I wonder if they will have a fish and chip stand? "Not that I'd eat it before a race, but how cool would that be? Or bangers and mash?''

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