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Paint ball three forgiven

Sunderland have forgiven three players for firing paintballs out of a car.

A trio of Sunderland footballers have been fined but forgiven for firing paintball pellets at the general public.

Chris Brown, Sean Taylor and Ryan Bell had all been suspended by the club for their behaviour but they have now been informed that they can resume their careers.

All three have also been ordered to do ten weeks' community service for their part in firing pellets from a car window two weeks ago.

A spokesman for the North East outfit has spoken of the club's disdain over the unsavoury incident.

''The club has taken this matter very seriously, carrying out a thorough investigation in the two weeks since the incident occurred,'' read a statement from the club.

''All three players will receive the maximum fine possible under the club's disciplinary policy and have been issued with written warnings.''

Meanwhile, the offending trio have issued apologies to their paymasters.

A statement said: ''We are embarrassed by our behaviour which was childish and immature and never intended to cause anyone harm.

''As employees of Sunderland AFC we realise that what we did reflected badly, not only on ourselves, but also on the club.''