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Play the Sky Sports News Quiz on Tuesday: Christmas special

Sky Sports News Quiz Christmas Special will air on Tuesday at 6.30pm-7pm on Sky Sports News, hosted by Jules Warren and Vicky Gomersall. To take part and be in with a chance of winning a Sky Soundbox visit

Sky Sports News will host another interactive quiz on Tuesday evening with a Christmas Special!

Hosted by Julian Warren and Vicky Gomersall, it couldn't be easier to take part as viewers will be able to play along at home while watching Sky Sports News (visit at 6.30pm on Friday).

Players will be given 15 seconds to answer multiple-choice Christmas-themed football questions - look out for some mystery singers helping out!

Updated quiz explainer

Each answer is scored by points - the longer you take, the more your score goes down with a maximum of 1,000 points available per question.

Not only can you play with your family and friends for ultimate bragging rights but there is also the chance to win a Sky Soundbox as well!

Sky Sports News Quiz will air on Tuesday evening at 6.30pm-7pm on Sky Sports News. To take part visit

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Win £1,000,000 for free with Super 6!

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