Tuesday Fakenham card off

Image: Fakenham is off

Today's meeting at Fakenham has been abandoned due to a waterlogged track.

The Norfolk venue was due to host a seven-race jumps card, but after 13 millimetres of rain overnight, areas of the track are waterlogged.

Clerk of the course David Hunter said: "We had 13mm by the time I arrived at 5.30am, I walked the course in the dark and there were already some areas of pooling water and we have had further rain since. We are unfortunately just on the cusp of the storm.

"I just felt it could be dangerous to race - there are some areas of false ground and when conditions are like this, I'd be concerned about emergency vehicles being able to access all areas of the track.

"There is also a pond in the middle of the course that has risen substantially and that could flood parts of the track, so we had no choice but to abandon."


Wednesday's meeting at Chepstow is subject to a precautionary inspection on raceday morning due to the threat of rain.

Also See:

The track tweeted: "We have a precautionary inspection at 7.30am tomorrow to assess prospects for our seven-race card due to start at 1.05pm. The track is raceable at the moment (heavy, soft in places) and can take more rain, it just depends how much we get."
