Prince Harry and Barack Obama Invictus twitter 'trash talk' joined by Canadian PM

Justin Trudeau says Canada will 'bring it to the games'. Courtesy of Kensington Palace

The Prime Minister of Canada has become the latest world leader to become involved in a good-natured Twitter exchange between the Royal Family and US President Barack Obama aimed at promoting the 2016 Invictus Games.

Justin Trudeau posted a video on Twitter of him performing a press-up and a 'mic drop' in front of the Canadian team for the games which is an international event for members of the armed forces - both past and present - who have been injured serving their countries.

The transatlantic exchange began last Friday when President Obama and his wife, Michelle, tweeted a video at Prince Harry, showing them standing, arms crossed, in front of a line of three uniformed officers.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama send a message to Prince Harry and the Queen ahead of the Invictus Games. Courtesy of Kensington Palace

"Hey, Prince Harry, remember when you told us to 'bring it at the Invictus Games?'" asked the First Lady.

"Careful what you wish for!" said the president, as the officers behind him gestured at the camera, one performing a 'mic drop'.


Prince Harry responded two hours later with a video sent from the official Twitter account of Kensington Palace which featured his 90-year-old grandmother - Queen Elizabeth.

Image: The Obamas sent a message to Prince Harry ahead of the Invictus Games

Answering his phone - and a ringtone of 'Hail to the Chief' - Prince Harry said: "Message? Oh, from Michelle. How very amusing," before watching the video with his grandmother.

The Queen then responded with a slight smile: "Boom. Really? Please."

The prince turned to the camera, repeated the 'mic drop' and smiling, said: "Boom…"

Image: Prince Harry and The Queen to respond to the Obama's Invictus Twitter message

The Invictus Games were founded in 2013 by Prince Harry and the 2016 games will be held in Orlando, Florida from May 8-12.

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