WWE: 3MB's Drew McIntyre on music, titles and Alberto Del Rio

Image: McIntyre: hampered by a wrist injury of late

Drew McIntyre is part of WWE's resident rock band - but says he will go solo at some point.

skysports.com: How did you end up in 3MB? DREW McINTYRE: Heath, Jinder and I hung out a lot together and are all good friends, and one day the big men decided that we should form a band on TV. I had a wrist injury at the time so it kept me occupied and it has been a lot of fun to show a different side of my personality. skysports.com: Have you always been passionate about music? DM: I have always been a big rock fan and remember dressing up as Guns 'N' Roses' Axl Rose for my high school Halloween disco when I was 17. My teacher painted tattoos on and I wore a small leather waistcoat and not much else... skysports.com: Do you enjoy being part of a tag team or do you prefer singles action? DM: I am happy to do anything that comes my way and I will always do my best in anything that presents itself. However, I will be getting in the ring a lot more now that my wrist injury has cleared and I am back to 100 per cent. skysports.com: Do you sense there is a resurgence in tag team wrestling at the moment? DM: I love tag team wrestling. I held the titles in the past with Cody Rhodes - who has just been fired - but tag teams seemed to take a back seat after that. Now, though, with 3MB, The Shield, The Usos and The Prime Time Players, it is coming back in a big way. That's great because tag teams are a big part of wrestling and we had brilliant teams, like The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, and Legion of Doom, before. skysports.com: You are good friends with Alberto Del Rio. How did that relationship blossom? DM: You can probably imagine how a Scot and a Mexican became such good mates! We are very similar personality-wise, we both love wrestling - he grew up in a wrestling family and I've always wanted to be a wrestler - and we are both very passionate about what we do and very driven. skysports.com: How has Rob Van Dam settled back into the WWE locker room, and do you think he will beat Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions? DM: RVD is the most chilled man on planet Earth - if he was any more relaxed he'd be asleep - and he is a really nice guy, too. It's awesome to have him back because I was a huge fan of his as a kid when he was in ECW. Some of the things he can do I couldn't even dream of doing, but Alberto has both a wrestling and MMA background and has some dirty tricks up his sleeve, so I think he will keep his title. skysports.com: Which titles in WWE do you consider to be the most prestigious? DM: The WWE and World Heavyweight Titles are the ones everyone is aiming for and if you're not aiming for them you are in the wrong business - and I like to think that when the time is right I will get my shot. I have just turned 28 and have lots of years left in me and after being hindered by injury I am ready to get going. I am hungrier and more vicious than I have ever been and I don't think anyone can match my aggression. skysports.com: How close were you to becoming a professional footballer? DM: I had trials and stuff and when you see people like Gareth Bale being signed for millions and getting £300,000 a week, I think: 'Oh my gosh, I wish I was a footballer', but there was no goal in my mind other than being a WWE Superstar. skysports.com: Do you still get to watch a lot of football? It is a lot harder to watch Glasgow Rangers these days but I try to keep up with their scores and I watched the Scotland-England game in a bar on a tiny, soundless telly in the corner when every other TV was showing the USA game. It was good to see Scotland put in some effort for a change... skysports.com: Who was your footballing hero growing up? DM: Ally McCoist. He was always the player I wanted to be as a kid and I would fight people and beat them down if they said they were McCoist! skysports.com: Do you like and understand American Football? DM: I somewhat get it now. I used to live in New Orleans and they won the Super Bowl one year so everyone was talking about it. Their quarterback is called Drew Brees and I used to wear all his merchandise to work every week. skysports.com: And finally, how do you spend your days off? DM: I just like to chillax and it is easy to do that in Tampa, Florida because it is so sunny. That said, it can get too sunny and make you feel like you're melting. I keep up with my training and go to bars, too. I just wish there were more old-fashioned pubs.

Night of Champions booking details

WWE Night of Champions will be shown on Sky Sports Box Office (channel 743) and Sky Sports HD Box Office (channel 752) from 1am on Sunday, September 15 (Monday morning). WWE Night of Champions will be repeated on Sky Sports Box Office (channel 743) but NOT on Sky Sports HD Box Office (channel 752) between 9am on Monday, September 16 and 3pm on Saturday, September 21. The event is priced at £14.95 for UK customers, €21.95 for viewers in the Republic of Ireland. You can order WWE Night of Champions from Friday, September 6 by pressing the Box Office button on your remote. Select 'sports & events' and follow the on-screen instructions. Viewers are able to call 08442 410 888 to book WWE Night of Champions from Friday, September 6. (There may be an additional charge for telephone bookings). You can also book WWE Night of Champions online from Friday, September 6 by visiting this link: https://my.sky.com/orderboxoffice/ Cable customers should contact their local cable operator.