Lewis Hamilton in Monaco car crash

World champion late to arrive for the Brazilian GP but will race

By Pete Gill

Lewis Hamilton has revealed he was involved in a 'minor' car accident in Monaco on Monday.

The F1 world champion delayed his flight to Sao Paulo by 24 hours, missing a scheduled appearance at a sponsor's event, on the advice of his doctor.

He has, however, now flown to South America for this weekend's Brazilian GP.

Although Hamilton's Mercedes team originally attributed their driver's late arrival to 'a fever', the three-times world champion has now disclosed on social media that he was also suffering the aftereffects of a road accident in Monte Carlo, where he lives, earlier this week.

'I've not been well with a fever but I also had a road accident in Monaco on Monday night,' Hamilton wrote on his Instagram account.


'Whilst ultimately, it is nobody's business, there are people knowing my position that will try to take advantage of the situation and make a quick buck. NO problem. 

'Nobody was hurt, which is the most important thing. But the car was obviously damaged and I made very light contact with a stationary vehicle. 

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'Talking with the team and my doctor, we decided together that it was best for me to rest at home and leave a day later. But l am feeling better and am currently boarding the plane to Brazil. 

'However, I am informing you because I feel we all must take responsibility for our actions. Mistakes happen to us all but what's important is that we learn from them and grow.'

Lewis Hamilton has won the title but with Nico Rosberg claiming victory in Mexico, which Mercedes driver will come out on top in Brazil?

There is no suggestion that Hamilton, who has already secured this year's Drivers' Championship, may miss Sunday's race. 

In eight attempts, Hamilton has never won the Brazilian GP, home of his hero Ayrton Senna, finishing second last year to team-mate Nico Rosberg. 

The 2008 Brazilian GP provided one of the most dramatic conclusions to a F1 season as McLaren's Lewis Hamilton snatched the title

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Watch the Brazilian GP live on Sky Sports F1. Race-show coverage begins at 2.30pm on Sunday with lights out at 4pm. Watch all three days of the Brazilian GP for £10.99 on NOW TV. No contract.
